Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Huckabees Revisited.

I embody everything and nothing simultaneously--
everyone and no one.

How am I not myself?

What happens in the meadow at dusk?

I gel my hair, wear name-brands, and follow the "rules"; I'm normal, mainstream.
I grow my hair and neglect to comb it, I question norms, I speak in a somewhat-foreign tongue; I'm a counter-culture "hippy."

The narrative of I Heart Huckabees would reinforce that like two rival, conflicting philosophies that eventually inevitably arrive at a mid-point, a hybrid theory that encompasses both ideas, that I would one day inevitably find the hybridically-sound mid-point of the sum of my identity-slices in the big, rectangular, gelatinous mold they call existence. I would just find the happy medium in my identity. I will find equilibrium.

Or, psychology as another example of this discourse...

Locke and Descartes had their notions in psychology that still survive despite their age. Conditioning and Learning is everywhere. Pavlov and Skinner are far from dead. Cognition is still part of the forefront of the field of psychology, as well, with artificial intelligence and computer programming industries' technological endeavors. But, due to the advent of neuro-imaging, neuropsychology is now the favored model of explanation. What's going on at those synapses, in those neurons, on those dendrites, with those neurotransmitters? What part of the brain is EXCITED? What's inhibited?

All the models are with it though. Even cocaine-snortin' Freud somewhere in there. They all left their mark and met somewhere in the middle of all their theories; the midpoint of genius in that giant mass of once-revolutionary psychological notions and discoveries.

Huckabees onto something? The inevitable hybridity of our lives? of our philosophies? of our theories? of our morals? of our social conventions and norms?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

dont steal my mestiza consciousness....my borderland lifestyle you thug! cocaine snorting has nothing to do with it.....or maybe everything

8:02 PM


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